Monday, May 14, 2012

It's been a while.....

I've been completely busy the past few months, searching for a home. Well actually, I've been busy on the weekends. And not every weekend. So I'm not really sure WHERE the ctually "busy" has been. But I have been house-hunting. And I'm at the point where I'm in the "house-has-been-inspected-and-here's-the-list-of-things-that-needs-to-be-taken-care-of" phase. I'm excited, but nervous, because there were a lot of things on the list. . . . But anyway, here are some pics of the new place (God willing):
Large kitchen (so much bigger than what I have now) . .
Bathroom. I will finally have a countertop! I can actually place my flat iron on the sink next to the make-up, and not try to balance it on the edge of the sink, while the make-up is in the bag on the toilet tank! Also, thinking about taking out the tub and just putting in a shower pan....or maybe a little seat....or perhaps just redoing the tub. Not sure yet. . .
Washer/Dryer IN UNIT! (no more lugging baskets of wet laundry downstairs, out the building, AROUND the building, to the laundry room that is actually INSIDE the building but is locked from the main stairwell, and depositing $1.75 to dry. Oh, not to mention, the going back upstairs to wait for it, then coming back down to collect it, and then carrying it back upstairs. I think this is the best part (or at least one of the best parts). I won't have to roll my portable washer into the "kitchen" and hook it up to the sink, and wait for it to do a load while it blocks my entry into the rest of the kitchen. I don't have to pad the floor with carpet pieces so that when the washing machine enters the spin cycle, it won't rattle on the floor and make noise for the people below me. Because it's such a tedious process, I usually end up combining loads to cut down on the number of wash cycles I have to endure. And because of the noise, I can't spontaneously do laundry in the middle of the night. Now, I can put in a load of just socks, to extra bleach them. And if I have some clothes with wrinkles in them, I can toss them in the dryer. And not pay $1.75 for about 10 minutes of drying time (and no, I've never done that). . . .
Nice sized living/dining room (and I can use that little corner for the office!) At this point, it's just a waiting game, but I hope I end up winning this game! Every day I go home to my apt, I cringe, just waiting for the neighbors to slam doors, or for the dogs to start howling/barking, or for...whatever it is they do next door to me that causes SO MUCH NOISE! And at this new place, the floors are sound and solid, so I can start doing my exercises - but at 100% now (I was doing them at only like 75% because the floor where I live creaks ALL the time). So...I will keep you updated!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Night of Football

Just rolled into work, and I'm catching the last few seconds of the Niners/Saints game. As a Cali girl growing up (not to mention, NorCal), it is especially thrilling to watch my "hometown team" win! (of course, right now, the score is 36 - 32, with :03 left) so hopefully I'm not speaking prematurely!!

And then soon we'll be turning the other TV to the Broncos game for a little Tebowing!!!!! YAY!

Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm going to Vegas!!

I made a spur of the moment decision to fly out to Vegas to visit my friend, and I'm a little nervous about it.
* One, I NEVER just fly out west, because it's so expensive. But I managed to find a decently priced flight/hotel combo, plus, I actually have a few days off in a row, so I figured "why not?" Plus, I kinda want to see him. ;)
* And two, I'm going to see him!! It's just a little unnerving....I think I was building up expectations in my head that I KNOW will be dashed. Or maybe I'm more worried that HIS expectations will be dashed. So, I've decided to FIDO, and adjust my thinking. I'm going out there for a mini-vacation; I'm attempting to be more spontaneous; I'm going to practice a more streamlined, minimalist, less-is-more, only-the-necessities type vacation (still trying to decide about the laptop!); I'm going to see and hang out with an old friend and catch up; and oh, I'm going to drop $5 into some machine and end up walking away with enough to cover the trip!
(plus, I'm going to see him!!!!! :D SQUEEEEE!!!!!)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Let's try this again

Two years later. And not a blog to be posted. Blame it on my absolutely hectic life. Or blame it on forgetfulness. However, this time will be different, if only for a few months. One of my other blogs (that I must post daily on) is a photography project - a picture a day for 365 days. So we shall see.

The year started out relatively uneventful. NYE at home, NYD (night) at work. Found out that I will remain on my current shift until June (unless more people are hired) and on the same day, I received a notice that my rent was late. Pretty frustrating, especially considering that my bank sends the checks out automatically to my apt complex, and because of a similar situation a little while back, I now have the checks (which are due on the 1st) sent out so they arrive almost a week and a half earlier than the due date. So now I have to try to sort this all out, plus worry about paying the 10% late fee....and all this comes crashing down on my head at once.

Fortunately, though, the personal life seems to be turning around. Quick summary about the past few months: went to a class for my new job where I started sort of talking to one of the guys, and then that just blew up in my face. Another guy (a friend and coworker of the first guy) was super-interested, but there wasn't any spark (for me) there, and that basically was an awkward situation squared. And it didn't help that I still liked the first guy. Enter a person from my actual workplace. I was interested in him even before I left for the when I returned, and went to a little get together ANOTHER coworker had, I thought that might have been a perfect opportunity. Let's just say...we had a bit too much to drink...and I do not remember a thing (if anything) that happened after a certain point in the night. Next morning was pretty uncomfortable, mainly because I wasn't sure if we had made out. *rolling my eyes at all of this now....* So work has been a little weird, but then again, he's always made me feel really shy when our shifts cross.
So as I'm wondering what's going on, and trying to play it cool at work, I happen to strike up a conversation with a guy I knew when I was active duty. He randomly commented on a picture; I posted on his wall, and then all of a sudden, we were chatting. Like, a lot. And over the course of simply 12 hours (and part of that was spent sleeping), we just sort of clicked. I can't even explain it. It's been crazy. I mean, I had always thought he was attractive...very attractive (I'll even "go there" and say HOT!) but at the time, I was still pretty messed up over my ex, and he was doing his thing. It never occurred to me that there was anything there. Come to find out, there WAS an attraction back then, but of course I was too blinded to see it.
But back to the here and's been like a whirlwind. It's like I'm a teenager again: the giddiness, the butterflies, the giggles.... It's such an amazing feeling! And I think one of the things I like the most, is that he's respectful (not to mention intelligent as all hell). He might be THINKING one thing, but he's never said anything over the top.
Probably the craziest parts are that we started talking about Chinese astrology, and he mentioned his sign, and when I mentioned mine, he said that our signs are like THE most compatible ones. I thought he was just saying that, but sure enough, when I googled it, we're a 10 on a scale of 1-10. Our regular astrology signs are very compatible, too. And then the other thing is, if someone were to ask me to describe my "type," it's basically a description of Jon Knight. The characteristics that are most appealing to me (dark hair, light eyes, tall, great smile, Roman nose, intelligent, sweet, funny....) they ARE Jon. But last night, I realized that they describe this guy perfectly. I keep thinking, "this is too good to be true." I'm trying to push those thoughts out of my head, and just go with the flow, but the pessimist in me, the innocent, trusting, loving part of me that always ends up getting hurt, is just waiting for the ball to drop. In the meantime, however, I'm really enjoying this. The best way to describe it is that I love the feeling of falling in love, although I'm not quite ready to call this "love." It's just that really light-headed, smiley feeling you get when you see a message from someone, or think about them.....and knowing that they're thinking about you, too. :)

Hopefully this is something I can "keep you posted" on!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!